

- 3 min read

- by Yagmur

It's Admin's Turn

img of It's Admin's Turn

Welcome to Our Space

Hi, I’m the admin of ‘Clique of Code’, Yagmur. Firstly, I want to give more information about this space. You’re probably going to find very different styles of posts here written by the other Cliquers (friends of mine). They all have different personalities, so it adds a bit of variety here. We did not want to keep this place boring, so if you continue reading our posts, you’re gonna bump into some dry humor, a bit of romanticism, and sometimes just super flavorless but to the point styles. This place is a bit of a brain dump.

Short info about me, I’m a data scientist turned into an AI engineer. I don’t know what I’ll be next, if you have any ideas please let me know. Other than that, I just build things, for the pure purpose of challenging myself. I seek no comparison to others, I seek no judgement neither. Sometimes I don’t enjoy building stuff, and I just explore to grow my understanding into levels very few people would be interested in. I don’t only do AI stuff, in fact I try to stay away from it sometimes, it gets slightly overwhelming with the constant progress in this domain. In times like this, I just make desserts instead.

I wanted to open this blog to share a bit of my brain with others and possibly monitor myself as well. So ‘Clique of Code’ is a bit of an experimental project to also see how my friends will evolve in their own domains. I also like setting up experiments as you can see :) Where will this blog head? That’s a journey I wanted to embark on. So here we are..

Some Info About Me

I guess I’ll post about the projects I build, in the world of AI or not. Maybe something else? They will most probably be on the software side of things. I’m not planning to post about the classic “How to build your own LLM locally” type of repetitive stuff. If you’re interested in learning about those things in a very basic way, I’m not the person for this. There are waaay better blogs for those kinds of stuff. Or maybe check the other cliquers out?

When I share about my projects/thoughts/perspectives I’m planning to share all sides of it, including the painful parts. If I suffered somewhere, you’ll know about it.

To The Future

I will do my best to keep my posts informative and entertaining as much as possible. Anything related to coding will be published on our Clique of Code repositories to keep it open source. You can always reach out to the devs for questions or to criticize their work :D