

- 4 min read

- by Alp

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Allow me the pleasure of introducing myself.


I can read and write. The degree to which is questionable. I sometimes build things, sometimes using software. I sometimes get paid for it.

I like food, both the making and the consuming of it. I also have some other hobbies. Perhaps to be disclosed later.

I like sarcasm and making people laugh. I also like other emotions, such as the joyful weightlessness of the realisation that reality is beautiful in its indifference of us. I also like the emotion of unbridled rage against extractive or oppressive systems.

I like people and talking with them. Sometimes people do not like talking with me, especially when I force them into ideological debates without asking them.

I have lived in countries and speak languages.

I have mentioned that I know how to read, blogs of note that I have been reading lately and will undoubtedly influence my style are Scott Aaronson’s Shtetl Optimized and Ludicity by Nikhil Suresh.

I subscribe to “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” and I love sophisticated things, yet I struggle to conjure simplicity myself. I also value authenticity greatly (I hope you, dear reader, have latched onto that one).

I like incredibly birds-eye views of things (e.g. Guns, Germs and Steel; a guilty pleasure) as well as infinitesimal details (Bogdan, Theodore and Nathan are the same name). Things in between are fine too.

I like having a multi-dimensional view of things. I also like trying to communicate said views, often to the dismay of people that love me.

I have two wolves inside of me, one is a nerd and the other is a jock. They love each other, they also love reductive metaphors and to fight eachother.

When asked to imagine a red apple I do not visualise it (I only visualise it if I am asked to visualise it, call me a phantastic rebel) and I do not have an internal monologue. Even the idea of an inner monologue is incomprehensible to me. Words and human language are an abstractions of communication, not computation (see previous paragraph about reductive metaphors).

Things I did

I have done many a thing, but those of note to this blog (at the moment) are my education and career.

I studied CS with a minor in Quantum Computing. I then worked for about 5 years, in roles ranging from full-stack developer to lead software engineer to CTO.

After some time working, mostly in web technologies, I got significantly bored and somewhat disillusioned. I am now expending some of my cerebral calories towards a master in quantum computing.

After working as a software engineer (expect WAY more on this in the near future) for a while, I realized that programming things for corporate entities in a scrummy environment wasn’t exactly how I wanted to spend my life. I also think that if I could not build things for a living, I could go insane (so becoming a sales engineer or product owner are also mostly out of the question).

Despite the previous and impending complaints, I like building software. I also got deep enjoyment and fulfillment from being a leader and honing the related skills (also expect more about leadership in general and managing tech teams).

Things I will do

I will write about my observations and deductions, hopefully about the field of software. I will not shy away from my personal views, in fact I will make an effort to communicate them well. I will try to invoke thought within our dear reader and hopefully, at some point, start discussions too.

I will write in the way that I want to write. The potential set of readers of this text is an ensemble of samples that even in its cardinality will be incomprehensible to my primate brain. Said primate brain cannot even begin to wrap itself around the breadth and complexity of which the potential set of readers is sampling from; the collective human conscious and the sum of all human experiences. Which is to say if my writing hurts you, know that it was likely unintentional. I will dare to suggest that such an event might not be such a terrible thing. Also know that you are free to stop reading at any time, you are also free to come at me, bro.

I will probably embrace capitalism at a higher level soon and start a company. You will hopefully know at length about this whence it happens.

I will carry the metaphorical flame of prometheus that is technology.

I will continue living, loving and laughing; until the moment that I don’t.

It’s been nice getting to introduce myself, but that’s enough of me. Let’s talking about things.

Take care!

P.S. Me is also thing. I know this. I am however more interested in writing about other things at the moment.